

Whenever you call钢琴谱

歌      手: MariahCarey
歌曲分类: 流行歌曲
歌谱格式: 钢琴谱
文件类型: JPG/Gif图像
更新时间: 2012-3-23
百度一下: 在百度中搜索更多Whenever you call钢琴谱

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  • Whenever..歌词

    歌名:Whenever you call钢琴谱
    Mariah Carey - Whenever You Call
    Love wandered inside
    Stronger than you
    Stronger than I
    And now that it has begun
    We cannot turn back
    We can only turn into one
    I won’t ever be too far away to feel you
    And I won’t hesitate at all
    Whenever you call
    And I’ll always remeber
    The part of you so tender
    I’ll be the one to catch you fall
    Whenever you call
    And I’m truly inspired
    Finding my soul
    There in your eyes
    And you
    Have opened my heart
    And lifted me inside
    By showing me yourself
    I won’t ever be too far away to feel you
    And I won’t hesitate at all
    Whenever you call
    And I’ll always remeber
    The part of you so tender
    I’ll be the one to catch you fall
    Whenever you call
    (MC Uuuuuh)
    And I will breathe for you each day
    Comfort you through all the pain
    Gently kiss your fears away
    You can turn to me and cry
    Always understand that I
    Give you all I am inside
    I won’t ever be too far away to feel you
    And I won’t hesitate at all
    Whenever you call
    I won’t ever be too far away to feel you
    And I won’t hesitate at all
    Whenever you call
    And I’ll always remeber
    The part of you so tender
    I’ll be the one to catch you fall
    Whenever you call
    Whenever you call
    Whenever you Call